Conditions caused by or associated with dental malpractice and dental neglect

 To conventional physicians, diseases associated with the teeth are off limits. To thinking physicians, death begins in the mouth,, meaning what we allow ourselves and the dentist to put into it. But, the whole body must be considered. In this practice we have found that 50% or more of our patients have medical diseases associated with dental malpractice or dental neglect.

By dental malpractice we mean :

1. The use of mercury and others metals in the mouth.
2. The use of fluoride to “reduce” dental caries.
3. The use of incorrect techniques in vital (alive) tooth extraction like “Wisdom” teeth.
4. The use of incorrect techniques in avital (dead) tooth extraction like:
A. Failure to remove all of the tooth
B. Failure to remove the periodontal ligaments and membrane around the roots.
C. Failure to curette the socket and surrounding bone until there is living bone.
D. Failure to remove all dead tissue in the case of osteonecrosis of the jawbone.
5. The leaving of dead tissue in the body like root canal teeth.
6. Installing implants, especially into infected bone.

The symptom rap sheet for dental malpractice and dental neglect is too long to list, so for the cause for brevity we will generalize :

1. Anything pertaining to the heart or blood vessels like heart attacks, rhythm abnormalities, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, and etc.
2. Anything pertaining to cancer. Interestingly, bad teeth, particularly root canals usually lie on the same meridian as the cancer.
3. Anything pertaining to the nervous system like multiple sclerosis (MS), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s, Myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s, and unnamed symptoms like tingling and lack of feeling and strength in the hands and feet, etc..
4. Anything pertaining to the immune system from allergic “to the world” to the lack of immune function as in AIDS. This also includes all autoimmune diseases. See the discussion on Autoimmune and Idiopathic Disease elsewhere on this site.
5. Anything dealing with the mind like Alzheimer’s, memory loss, aberrant behavior, cognitive problems, lower IQ, etc.
6. Anything pertaining to hormones from excess to relative lack of hormones like sex hormones, thyroid, adrenal, etc.


  Most all of us have had our wisdom teeth removed improperly. These extraction sites commonly act as foci of infection that lead to the above problems. We are fortunate to have access to a sonographic tool that helps to safely identify these problem areas as, an aid to overall health. These scans like the Cancer Profile should be done yearly.

  Let me tell you about John. John was troubled with atrial fibrillation. At times he was unable to walk across the room without almost passing out. Although he had had a mouthful of mercury removed (by an incompetent dentist) ten years before, he still had three root canal teeth. I sent him to a competent dentist for evaluation. With the removal of a single root canal tooth on the lower left side, his arrhythmia stopped and hasn’t returned to this day. He did follow my advice and have the rest of the root canal teeth removed. Is this a coincidence. Is it a miracle? Root canal teeth are surrounded by poisons so toxic that one drop can kill a man. These toxins are the result of the fact that a dead tooth cannot be sterilized. The bacterial byproducts are slowly released so as not to kill but to inhibit the synthesis of proteins. I have included on this site two research papers authored by Bob Jones; One deals with dental toxins and the other with bisphosphanates oral cavity avascular bone necrosis. Dentists are not always to blame as many of the same diseases are induced by dental neglect. Furthermore, American’s nutritional and immune status is not sufficient to prevent many of these occasional infections from becoming insidious smoldering agents of misery. Elsewhere on this site you will find Senate Document 254 that discusses our nation’s depleted nutritional status in 1936(!) and an important topic that affects our ability to naturally resist infection. Conventional physicians believe that the immune system is innate, but there are two essential minerals, mostly neglected because they are a cause of an irrational phobia, that act as natural anti infectious agents; iodine and silver.


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